Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Beginning

Well, here I am. Blogging...

Why blog? Why not?? I think it will be a fantastic way for me to get my thoughts out. I will start with the scoop on my life in general. I am married to my wonderful husband of 3 years and 4 months, Andy. He brings my life happiness, love, quite a bit of humor. He is everything I have ever wanted and I truly believe he is my gift from God. I mean, just check him out... Wouldn't you love him, too?

Ok, so I can't really say that we are a "serious" couple, and I can say that we don't have a relationship that most people call "normal". Most people don't really get our relationship, but we have both decided that's ok with us. We have three people in our lives who's opinions matter. That is the two of us and God.

We have two dogs... Boxers. Their names are Fender and Marshall. We got Fender when he was just 4 weeks old. He was so cute...

We decided that he needed a buddy when he was about 2 years old, so we found Marshall...

And they have been inseparable ever since.

They are wonderful dogs and they give us a lot of enjoyment. Fender is very in touch with my emotions. He will whine and pace around when I am upset. If Andy isn't home at night, Fender will sleep right by the side of the bed and will growl at every sound he hears. Marshall is the one that Andy calls "special". He is always happy and a little skidish. He will jump and run away if the trash can lid is closed a little too hard. His purpose in life is to make everyone around him happy.

So, now that you've met my family, I will tell you a little about me. I am 28 years old for exactly 15 more days. Which means I will be in my 20's for exactly 380 days. My life before age 25 was a series of ups and downs. I was in a horrible relationship and was very distant from my family. I often ask myself how it was that I got out of that rut. Looking back I know it was God looking out for me. I don't think people would believe me if I told them about the person I was just 4 years ago. I have had such a dramatic change (for the good). Although, my past has helped shape me into the person I am today, it does not define me. However, as I write, I am trying to think about what does define me...

I am a Property Manager for an apartment complex in Southeast Wichita. I consider myself a good Property Manager and I enjoy what I do. However, it does not define me.

I volunteer at my church. I LOVE my church! I am the lead teacher for the three year old's during the 9:30 service on Sunday morning. I enjoy watching the children grow. There are some Sunday mornings that I just don't feel like going to church, but it never fails that I have the best time with those kids. I love the music we sing during worship and I love the messages brought be Pastor Mark. However, my involvement in church does not define me.

I am defined by the gift God has given me. It is my heart. Not my physical heart that pumps the blood to my body, but the one that swells at sappy movies and love songs. I have a desire to see people happy and I love it that much more if I am the one that did it. I hate to see people hurting and I will do what I can to take hurt away. One of my favorite songs is "Fix You" by Coldplay. When my step-dad passed away this past July all I wanted to do was "fix" the hurt my mom was feeling. Since then I have discovered that is just the way I am. When people hurt, I want to fix them, even when I know I can't.

So... that is me. In a nutshell. I am excited about being able to write more about me and what is going on in my life. I think I will also use this as a source to write out my dreams. Something else God has given me is a very active imagination... while I'm asleep. I have to most odd dreams and they are typically very vivid. I even dream in color, which I know is very uncommon. Although I won't reveal all of my dreams (I will keep them PG on here), I think you will all enjoy the ones I share. Just as a preview... I have had dreams about my sister turning into an alligator, ones where I have entered magical lands through a tv remote, dreams about a battle between Satan and God where the song "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" was the theme song, and even one where I was an Olympic Gymnast (my most recent). I don't watch horror movies because I will dream about it the next night. So, stay tuned for more on my life and for the occasional dream blog.

Have a great day!



Peppermint Patty said...

HI Anya, I have enjoyed your blog. Keep writing. Love mom

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